County School #18
School district 18 was organized by petition May 14, 1875 on lands of section 10 and 11, Willmar Township, and lands of section 34, 35, and 36, Dovre Township. The petition was granted and the district was numbered 18.
The first school term was set for November 8, 1875 and was held at the residence of Halvor Sonderson. School was taught by Martha Knudson at a salary of $14 per month.
The schoolhouse was built in 1881. Purchase of land five rods wide and eight rods long for the sum of $5.00 provided the first school grounds. The carpenter work was let to C.C. Hanson for $30.00 and a one room schoolhouse 18’ x 22’ was erected on the northeast corner of section 3. Building materials for the school cost $130.93.
The schoolhouse moved on-half mile east in the year 1886. In 1899 the school was moved to another site on land owned by S.O. Thrope.
In 1950’s the number of the district was changed to 764 and parcels of land were set off to the Willmar school district. In the 1960’s this practice continued and in 1965 the district was dissolved.
The school was moved to the Kandiyohi County Historical Society in 1967. With a wood stove, desks, books, this one room schoolhouse is set to look as it did in the late 1800s. The school is open for touring and viewing during the summer months.